Holistic Therapy

“Holistic” originates from the Greek root “holos” which translates as whole.
There are many holistic therapies which draw from our old wisdom practices and effective modern approaches. A holistic approach can help us understand symptoms and offer deeper connection and understanding between mind body spirit. Being more conscious or self aware allows a harmonious balance between body and soul.

At Cúraim we realise the true potency of our body to heal itself and the importance of creating the right conditions to support the inner healer. We as facilitators are here to guide and nurture the right conditions for your own innate healer to find your natural balance.

At Cúraim we appreciate the importance of finding the right therapist.

For this reason we offer an initial free consultation done over the phone to help you find the right therapist.
The initial consultation is offered through a senior therapist who is familiar with our full team of therapists.