
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique developed by Usui in the early 1900s. This technique works with the universal life force energy to promote relaxation. Through hands on healing energy is bought through the body to improve flow and balance. Energy can become stagnant in the body where there has been physical injury and/or emotional pain. Reiki facilitates the energetic balance on a physical, mental and spiritual level. It promoted relaxation, helps reduce stress to improve overall health and well-being.

Niamh offers Reiki and Craniosacral therapy to adults and adolescents. Niamh embarked upon the healing journey herself when her life came to a crossroads and she was looking for something more and a life with more meaning. She found her love for reiki on her very first treatment and continues
her Grá for reiki ever since. She has found reiki awakening and grounding. It opened a new path in life for Niamh.

Niamh is also a Nurse and full time Midwife. Niamh’s compassion is introducing growth and healing into people’s lives in showing them different tools and techniques in which they can aid relaxation for themselves and their own nervous systems.

At Cúraim we appreciate the importance of finding the right therapist.

For this reason we offer an initial free consultation done over the phone to help you find the right therapist.
The initial consultation is offered through a senior therapist who is familiar with our full team of therapists.