
Kinesiology is a natural holistic approach to health. It looks at movement in the body. It is a complimentary medicine that uses biofeedback (muscle testing) to look at what Mayne causing “imbalances” in our body and looks to balance in all systems in the body.


The simple yet powerful methods look to rebalance unwanted stress in the body in a natural drug free way. It uses non-invasive techniques that encourage the body to restore balance. Using this approach, the root cause can be identified. A physical pain may sometimes have a physical cause and likewise an emotional problem could be due to nutrient deficiency. Kinesiology takes all factors into consideration to combine them in a treatment session to address problems


It is suitable for all ages.


Kate aims to help people to quickly and accurately identify the root cause of an issue, and work with

them to resolve this and restore a sense of balance and ease. She also wishes to empower people with simple skills that they can use every day.

Kate works with children and babies to identify causes of upset and areas of intolerance. Because sessions can be completed in silence, it is very useful to navigate and assist people who have difficulty articulating what they want/need.


Through bio-feedback (via muscle-testing), Kate tailors each session based on the needs of each client on the day, thus no two sessions will be the same, even for the same client.

Kate sees a diverse portfolio of clients that include those who have:


– Stress and Anxiety

– Physical pain – acute or chronic

– Food / environmental intolerances

– A feeling of being ‘stuck’

– Exhausted the western medical model and do not have answers

At Cúraim we appreciate the importance of finding the right therapist.

For this reason we offer an initial free consultation done over the phone to help you find the right therapist.
The initial consultation is offered through a senior therapist who is familiar with our full team of therapists.