About Cúraim

About Cúraim

Cúraim provides professional and private counselling , psychotherapy and psychological services nationwide and holistic therapy in Cork. We understand health is far more than treating the symptoms of dis-ease thus combine an integrated approach to health considering the biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual aspect of each person.

Our multidisciplinary team passionately supports the community adopting effective evidence-based  facilitation addressing the needs of our modern day ailments. The Anam team embodies highly experienced, insightful and compassionate practitioners. We strive to support the biological, psychological , sociological and spirituals aspects of the individual.

Through our therapeutic interventions we aim  to restore good health and wellbeing within the individual and the community. Our team of accredited qualified therapists are registered with the appropriate professional bodies.

At Cúraim we appreciate the importance of finding the right therapist.

For this reason we offer an initial free consultation done over the phone to help you find the right therapist.
The initial consultation is offered through a senior therapist who is familiar with our full team of therapists.